Which coaching option is right for you?

Catherine Kerr Fitness coaching packages are designed to meet your unique goals, preferences and needs.
I offer two distinct options:

One to One Coaching is for those seeking a deeper level of support. Here you get a more comprehensive approach, including personalised workouts, increased regular one-on-one time with Catherine directly, and much much more.

Empowered in 8 Group Coaching provides nutrition guidance, workouts, and a combination of group and 1-1 contact with the two coaches on the programme. Group coaching is perfect if you don’t need as regular one-on-one touch points and if your vibe is about being part of a community.

Keep scrolling to compare these two options and prices in more detail. ⬇️


Empowered in 8 is an 8 week group coaching programme with an option to stay on monthly thereafter. There’s the opportunity to sign up a few times a year.

Find out more about the next start date here.

  • Targets set by the coaches, mostly personalised to you. Covering nutrition, supplements and activity.

  • All clients in the group follow the same training plan. The coaches will give you home or gym workout options.

  • The coaches have loads of pre-made resources for you to dig your teeth into. They’re designed to help with a variety of things, from mindset to protein ideas and more. The resources are available in the mobile app and the coaches will direct your attention to specific resources at certain points during the coaching programme.

  • Everything that’s important is in one place: inside the app - to keep things simple and easy to find. Here you can log metrics, keep track of your progress, look through your workouts, record the weights you’re lifting, view resources, tick off daily habits and check in with your coach. The only thing that isn’t in the app is the group community. This is your own little private corner in group coaching.

  • To keep you accountable you’ll have a fortnightly written check ins with your assigned coach. These take place on weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 of the programme.

    The coaches will choose your check in day.

    You’ll receive feedback from your coach within a 48 hour time window.

  • Access to the community Facebook group. Here you can ask questions, share victories or struggles, enjoy connecting with others, engage with live Q&As and chat with everyone in regular video call catch-ups. Connection is a key value of the group.

  • Weekly Q&A podcasts. The coaches will delve deeper into things for you based on the questions you ask in check ins or in the group.

8 weeks at £126 per month

One to one

Get started when the time is right for you. This option is more personalised and offers a deeper layer of support than group coaching.

I recorded a podcast that explains exactly how one to one coaching works, listen to it here.

  • Targets set by Catherine, completely personalised to you. Covering nutrition, supplements, training programme, mindset and activity.

  • Catherine will create a personalised welcome and nutrition fundamentals pack for you including an e-book and video. These will explain everything clearly, based on your and your needs, so you can start taking action right away.

  • A fun and challenging training programme that won’t leave you guessing! Gain structure, clarity and make your workouts efficient and enjoyable. Catherine will design your workouts based on your goals, preferences, what equipment you have access to, and the time you have available around your busy life. We'll also strategically plan your workouts around other exercise you enjoy. Your training plan will be available on the app, where you can also record your progress. You'll have access to video demonstrations and technique pointers here too, along with notes that personalise each exercise directly to you.

  • This is way more than just a calorie target. There’s no restrictive meal plans here. Shape your food choices around what's important to you.

  • Resources designed for you, on topics such as nutrition, mindset, habits, stress relieving tactics, and much more.

  • Everything that’s important is in one place: inside the app - to keep things simple and easy to find. Here you can log metrics that are relevant to your goals, keep track of your progress, look through your workouts, record the weights you’re lifting, view bonus resources, tick off daily habits and check in with Catherine.

  • Access to a small and exclusive group chat for you and other 1-1 clients. Because working on your fitness goals can sometimes feel like a lonely place or you might not have anyone in your life with whom you can share this journey.

  • Topic and question podcasts every week. Get your burning questions answered and interesting topics covered. Catherine will delve deeper into topics for you based on discussions you’ve had together.

    Podcasts are a versatile learning and communication tool because they don’t need 100% of your time and attention - you could be listening whilst commuting, walking to the gym, driving to pick up the kids from football, or whilst building IKEA furniture (congrats if you’re that good at multi-tasking).

  • To keep you accountable you’ll have a weekly written check ins with Catherine.

    You choose your check in day from a few options.

    You’ll receive feedback from Catherine within a 24 hour time window.

  • A 30 minute 1-1 video or voice call with Catherine to review your progress and to connect. You pick a suitable time and day from Catherine’s calendar. We’ll review your progress so far and highlight some key focuses for the upcoming month. The call is a great way to supplement your written check ins but it doesn't replace them. Clients who use these calls get the best results.

  • Weekday 1-1 contact with Catherine between your check ins and calls. Messages from 1-1 clients are answered as a priority.

  • If you’re ever unsure whether you’re doing an exercise correctly, check your form with Catherine.

    This will help you to reduce the risk of injury and make the most of each repetition. Catherine will help make sure you’re performing the exercises safely and effectively by providing actionable feedback.

    Feel confident that you’re making the most of each valuable second you spend working out.

  • Free tickets to future webinars and in person events.

£249 per month

Hear from the people I’ve worked with…

  • Catherine has worked in the health, fitness and sport space for more than 12 years and has coached more than 700 clients online.

    Catherine’s area of expertise is working with perimenopausal and postmenopausal people. And helping women to prepare their body and mind ahead of those years.

    She’s helped 100s of menopausal people prioritise their health and fitness.

  • Her career started out with studying BSc (Hons) Sports and Exercise Science at the University of Stirling.

    During this time she became a fully accredited Personal Trainer, Gym Instructor and completed a dissertation looking at the effects of capsaicin supplementation on muscle power.

    She also completed several group training certificates from TRX Suspension training, to indoor cycling and aqua-aerobics (you heard that right).

  • Catherine worked at the University of Stirling gym for several years, coaching clients face-to-face and delivering fitness classes; she also lead the gym staff and co-managed the building and design of a new gym and fitness class timetables.

    When gyms were closed during the pandemic, Catherine lead the staff in the creation of an online fitness class timetable where university students and community members could connect and exercise with others on Zoom - this soon exploded in popularity and had participants joining in from across the globe.

    Before Catherine finished working at the University she collaborated on a project with European Universities to launch the Erasmus+ funded Mind Body Boost, which delivers an evidence-based intervention devised to support young people in managing their mental and physical health.

  • During the pandemic she started coaching clients online and went on to study nutrition, becoming a certified EIQ Nutritionist.

    Further to this she worked in a large UK-based online coaching team with ESG Fitness for two years, which gave her experience helping more than 700 people in 1-1 and group settings to achieve their goals, with a particular emphasis on supporting perimenopausal people.

  • Not only does she practise using a science-based approach, she goes one step further and applies her knowledge on a practical level with real people living real lives! She bridges the gap between science and real life application, all whilst making it enjoyable and aligning with each individual person's values.

    Catherine’s values, experience and knowledge shapes her approach to coaching and life in general, and it’s what makes her different to other online coaches.

  • The mission with Catherine Kerr Fitness is to give you the tools and the confidence you need to make long term health and fitness changes so you can create a life you enjoy.

    Believe your best years can begin now, and overcome the overwhelm that comes with all the myths, fads and misinformation out there.